One popular thing to do is turn a storage shed into a game room. Game rooms can a fantastic place to relax, hang out with friends, or host parties. They require very little effort to create and the enjoyment will last for years. In this post, we will discuss how to finish out your shed, where to get equipment, and adding finishing touches.
Finishing Your Shed
The first step in designing a game room is finishing your shed. This can be a fairly easy to very in-depth project, depending on what you are going for. A fully finished game room with all the amenities will take quite a bit of work. It may be worth hiring someone with experience if this is what you want. But if all you need is a space that is nice enough to hang out in, then it can very easily be a DIY project. Plus, you could also add a loft to your shed so that you can nicely stow away any extra storage items. To learn more about sheds with lofts, click here.
There are lots of different things you can do to spruce up your shed. Finishing the walls and floors is a great first step. Other ideas could include adding electricity and plumbing, painting, etc. Rather than explain all of these steps here, visit this blog post. It will explain everything you need to completely finish your shed.
Setting up the Game Room
Setting up your game room is simply a matter of deciding what type of game room you want and then gathering the necessary equipment. You have several options for types of game rooms:
- Board & Card Game Room
- Rec Room (Table Tennis, Billiards, etc.)
- E-Gaming Room
Once you’ve decided on the type of game room you want, you’ll need to find the best places to get your equipment. If you are looking for board & card games, Amazon.com has a great selection of games at a competitive price. However, if you do happen to have a board game shop in your area, we would highly recommend shopping there. Not only do board game shops carry an expansive and unique selection of games, but shopping there allows you to support a local business.
If you want to purchase a pool table, ping pong table, etc., some of your best options are sporting goods centers. But, if you are looking for some cheaper options, it’s always worth checking Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace for used options. Small equipment like paddles and balls can be purchased on Amazon or at sporting goods centers.
If you plan to set up an e-gaming room, you most likely have much of the equipment you need. However, Amazon can be a great resource if you need more. Lounge and office chairs, a desk, consoles, computers, keyboards, and mice are all available on Amazon.
Finishing Touches
Once you have finished out your shed and added the equipment you want, you are basically done. But if you want to instill a little mood into your game room, some decorations can go a long way. For ideas, sites like Pinterest can an excellent resource. Here is one Pinterest board to get you started. Looking for other creative ideas for a storage shed? See our post on 10×12 storage shed uses and let your creative juices start running! Or, you could learn more about pre-built storage sheds. As a side note, we don’t just offer sheds. We also offer horse barns, which you can read about here.
Happy gaming and we hope you love your new game room.