Horse Barn Designs and Plans: 27 Tips and Ideas

Dan Beaver

November 29, 2023      Shed Tips

Ready to design the horse barn of your dreams?! Through this article you will find inspiring details to add to the layout of your horse barn. And speaking of layouts, we’ve added photos of horse barn plans to jump-start your perfect barn! Or you can skip ahead to our FAQ section

horse barn designs

Horse Barn Design Plans 

Are you a visual person? Does a bunch of jargon bog you down? Well, we’ve added photos of horse barn design plans to help make this process easier. And of course, we cover all the things to consider in-depth as you scroll through our blog. But for now, check out our best horse barn designs through our 3D Builder and our team of experts.

36×48 Trailside Barn Floor Plan

horse barn design trailside
horse barn design shed row barn

12×32 Shed Row Barn Floor Plan

horse barn designs shed rown barn
horse barn design shed row barn

36×24 High County Barn Floor Plan

horse barn designs high country
horse barn design high country

How To Design a Horse Barn?

Well, you already have your horses, and now it’s time to design a horse barn of your dreams. But where do you start? No need to get frantic or worry. The design of a horse barn can be broken down into a few simple considerations. To begin, think of the following: 

Needed Size 

Before you grab your credit card and order a barn kit, ask yourself this important question: How many horses do I want to house in this barn? Once you know that detail, you can follow through with this point by thinking of the following:

horse barn design

Size of your horses 

For an average horse, a 10×12 stall is recommended. Now, if your horses are smaller than that, or this barn is for cute little ponies, then a 10×10 stall would be adequate. And on the flip side, if you have larger horses, then a 12×12 (or larger) stall might be more advisable. One more thing. When you’re thinking about the best horse barn design, consider if you will want to allow extra room for horses to roll around in each stall. 

Horse Size Stall Size 
Smaller than average10×10
Average (think around 1,000 lb)10×12
Larger than average12×12
middle aisle

Middle aisle 

A middle aisle is like the center hub of your barn, allowing you to escort your horses to and from the pasture or any other activity. If you unfortunately have to bring a veterinarian into the barn to check on your horses, you will be glad you considered an adequately sized middle aisle. 

Wanting to have eyes on all your horses while in the barn? Choose a 12 foot (or larger) middle aisle. Not only does it provide a great sense of ventilation and an open concept, but allows you to monitor your beloved horses. Make no mistake – you won’t regret including a middle aisle in your horse barn design. 


Feed Room

In your horse barn design, you may want to include a room that is sealed off from unwanted visitors (sorry, mice) to store horse supplements, expensive grain, hay products, and other rodent attractions. 

Tack Room 

While it’s common for the feed and tack rooms to be combined, it is beneficial to separate the two. Sometimes, despite our most valiant efforts, mice ultimately find a way into our feed. And once that has happened, it’s hard to discourage their frequent visits. The downside of storing your tack next to the feed is mice may arrive and find your leather as the ultimate snack of choice. 

Space on your property

Designing a horse barn means taking into consideration the overall size of your property. This may just seem like a practical step, but some jurisdictions have regulations on the size of Accessory/Agricultural Buildings in relation to the overall acreage of your property. Which brings us to the next point…

horse barn design

Building Codes 

Before you get too far into your horse barn design, make sure you understand your local building codes. Yeah, we get it. This part of the process can be frustrating, at best. But as horse barn builders, we offer a few tips of advice to help everything come together seamlessly. 


Hmmm. How can six words evoke so much emotion? But we all have a limited amount of resources. Don’t stress out about the money right now, though. There is a way to ensure that you have a horse barn while still staying out of gigantic debt. 

What is the cheapest way to build a horse barn?

Or, when you are in the midst of planning your best horse barn design, you may ask, How can I build an affordable horse barn?

run in shed

Both questions are valuable and relevant to horse barn and stall design. Overall, the cheapest way to build a horse barn is to choose a Run-In Shed (as shown above). As a simple shelter with no stalls, your horses will have room to escape from the elements, but on the flip-side you won’t have designated room for storage or a wash bay. 

shed row barn

Another affordable option is a shed row barn. With this barn, you will not have a middle aisle or as much storage space, but each horse will still have a stall that provides an excellent source of ventilation. However, if you would like to customize your horse barn design, this option is mostly basic. While we can’t speak for the overall building material costs should you decide to oversee and build this barn on your own, at Fisher Barn’s, our quality 10×12 shed row barns start around $5,000. 


Every design must be equipped in a way that adds an element of practicality to each day. For your horse barn design, you may want to consider the following:

Dutch Door

We all need air to breathe – horses and humans alike. Consider adding a Dutch door to ensure that your horses have adequate ventilation. The best part of this solution is that your horse will still remain safely within the stall, yet have freedom to peek their head out of the confines of the barn. If you’re not sold on a Dutch door for your horse barn design, let’s explore…

Drop vents 

A drop vent allows air to adequately flow to and from your horses. This is especially beneficial if you plan to build a shed row barn. And if you encounter bad weather, the drop vents can be closed at any time. 

Gable vents 

Now, if you plan to design a horse barn similar to the High Country or Monitor, gable vents are an addition that will provide proper ventilation without distracting from the overall aesthetic of the building. In fact, you can find gable vents that blend into the siding of your building. 

Wall mounted hay racks

What better way to treat your horses than with a wall mounted hay rack! As part of your horse barn design, this could potentially save you time cleaning hay off the floor. 

Horse stall fans 

In the hot, summer days it can get overwhelmingly muggy. By adding horse stall fans to your horse barn design, you can help ensure that your horses are not losing their sanity. You may want to get fancy and install ceiling fans that match the aesthetic of your barn. Or you may simply want to install small fans in each stall. 

Wash bay

If you’re thinking about adding a wash bay to the design of your horse barn, consider a 12×12 area. For more information about what should be included in a wash bay, read this article


If you are in an area with extreme weather conditions, consider insulation and heating or cooling systems to ensure the comfort of the horses. 

Entry Point

Is your horse barn going to be inside the pasture? When this is the case, one entry point into the stalls is great. But if you choose to have the front side of the barn outside of the pasture, your horse barn design may want to contain two entrances: one to unload the horses into the stall and another at the back of the stall in order for the horses to roam through the pasture as they desire. 

horse barn designs


What’s a horse barn design without a touch of beauty and sophistication? We’ve added a few ways that we believe you can add an element of beauty to the practicality of your horse barn. 

Horse barn door design 

Don’t settle when it comes to the design of horse barn doors. In your design, choose a door that fits the style and personality to your overall barn. Sliding doors add greater footprint to your barn and are easier to manage and handle. A few options for doors include wood X with standard grill doors, standard door with yoke, wood X with yoke, and steel X with yoke. 


It may seem practical, because it can be a source of storage for your tact or other equipment. But really, we believe that a loft is a source of beauty for your horse barn design! You can convert your horse barn loft into an office space, a nook to design, and a retreat center from the hub of your house. 


Yes, a porch can provide shade from the blazing sun or protection from a summer down-pour. But when you add a porch to your horse barn design, you are also adding an extra level of charm.


We all know you’ll need some source of light for your horse barn. But wouldn’t it be fun to spruce it up a bit? Consider adding a chandelier in the middle aisle of your horse barn. Or for a cheaper option add a classy barn light cage


Don’t feel trapped into one specific way to design a horse barn. At the end of the morning, you are the boss of this project. Remember the variety of ways in which you can customize the interior and exterior of your barn. Some customization options may be needed because of the climate you live in, while others may simply add to the aesthetic. 



Adding a copper roof cupola provides a classic and timeless architectural element. It adds character, depth, and a focal point, contributing to the overall visual appeal of your horse barn design. 

Brackets for hurricane regions 

Do you live in an area with hurricanes? We think you’d agree that it’s important to be prepared for natural disasters. Consider adding brackets to the structural design of your building. 

horse barn designs

What type of barn is best for horses? 

Okay, we covered all the ways to best design your horse barn. But maybe you would just like to know some of the best horse barns. Are you wanting room to bring horses out of harsh weather? If so, our recommendation is a Trailside barn which provides a middle aisle with space to saddle and groom each horse. g

Another suggestion would be a Lean-To barn. With stalls facing outside and a shaded area with a porch, you and your horses will have a great outside entrance. 

horse barn designs


Which Direction Should a Horse Barn Face?  

If your horse barn has a center aisle with the stalls facing towards the aisle, it is best to have teh barn facing in a direction that allows the wind to blow through the center aisle. With this positioning, you will be sure to have adequate air flow for your horses. 

However, if you choose not to have a center aisle, have the barn facing north or east so that you avoid extreme sunlight. This position is especially needed in the South. 

Is a 10×10 stall big enough for a horse? 

Yes, a 10×10 stall is big enough for horses, although it does not always add enough space for a horse to relax. 

Is a 12×12 stall big enough for a horse? 

Yes, a 12×12 stall is a great size for a horse since it provides extra space for a horse to roam. 

What is a good size for an overall horse barn for 2 horses?

For 2 horse horse barn designs, the smallest total square footage we recommend is 300 square foot barn. Now if you want a more spacious horse barn, we suggest choosing a 30×24 horse barn. With this design, you’ll have a middle aisle separating two stalls on one side and a stall and tack room on the other side. Or if you simply want to have two horses only in your horse stall, then you will be able to convert one of the stalls into a room for storage or other needs. 

3D horse barn designer

Other Horse Barn FAQs

Wrapping It Up…

Thanks for coming along for this ride. Hopefully, you are thoroughly inspired and empowered to design the horse barn of your dreams. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. And of course, you can always design your own horse barn, through our 3D Builder

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